Public offer



Moscow date of today

The Eastern European Universities Association represented by the Director General Bogdan Voronovskiy, acting under the Charter and Agreement with Russian University (University), hereinafter referred to as the «EEUA», as the first party and STUDENT NAME hereinafter referred to as the “Student”, as the second party hereinafter collectively referred to as the «Parties», have entered into this agreement on the following terms and conditions:


1.1. The EEUA shall provide the Student with the full enrolment (and support) service to RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY (hereinafter referred to as the University) for University course (main course).
1.2. The duration of course:
Main course: from September 2024 till August 2028.


2.1 EEUA shall be entitled:
- to submit the Student’s documents in order to apply for the University course;
- to interact with University on behalf of the Student;
- to demand the Student to provide all necessary documents in accordance with the effective regulatory legal acts in Education and Legislation of the Russian Federation;
- if the Student delays payment, stated in accordance with article 3 of the present Agreement as well as if proper performance of the obligations to render fee-paying services becomes impossible due to the Student’s actions (omission), EEUA has the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally and requests the University to expel the Student;
- to request the University to expel the Student if the Student’s actions do not comply with obligations of this agreement.

2.2. EEUA shall undertake:
- to provide the Student with the enrollment and support service from the moment of applying till the moment of graduation from the University;
- to provide information about University and course details;
- to apply to the University;
- to provide invitation for study visa;
- to meet at Moscow airport and transfer to the University;
- to assist in dormitory check in;
- to assist in preparing and translating necessary document for enrollment;
- to assist with medical check-up;
- to assist with health insurance;
- to assist in preparing for entry exams;
- to assist in signing Agreement with the University;
- to assist during the course of study;
- to assist with the banking operations (money transfer, any other operations);
- to assist in different life situations on request of the Student;
- to organize different culture events for the Student (such as visits to cities of Russia)on request of students.

2.3 The Studentshall be entitled:
2.3.1. To get quality enrollment, support, and educational services.
2.3.2 The Students are granted with academic rights in accordance with the article 34 § 1 of the Federal act no. 273-FZ from 29.12.2012 «On Education in the Russian Federation».
2.3.3To refer to the University on issues related to the educational process.
2.3.4.To use under the procedure established by local regulations University property, necessary for the learning of the educational program.
2.3.5. To take part in social, cultural, recreational and other activities organized by the University in the manner specified by local regulatory acts.
2.3.6. To receive complete and reliable information on the assessment of their knowledge, skills and competencies, as well as on the criteria for the evaluation.

2.4. The Student shall undertake:
2.4.1. to provide the necessary documents for enrollment (legalized school certificate and transcript, and legalized Bachelor degree certificate with transcript if going to study Master degree);
2.4.2. to pay the EEUA services in the amount and the time period specified in the Article 3 of the present Agreement.
2.4.3. to adhere the requirements of the constituent documents, the internal rules of the University, sanitary, fire-prevention and other local normative obligatory norms and rules including rules for living in the student hostel. Comply with the requirements established in Article 43 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", including: carry out of tasks for preparation for classes provided by the curriculum; inform about the causes of absence; to study in the educational organization on the educational program in compliance with the requirementsestablished by the curriculum of the University.
2.4.4. To respect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, observe the Russian Legislation, follow rules, prescribed by the Federal Law № 115-FZ dated July 25, 2002 “Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”, the internal regulations of the University and the University hostel;
2.4.5. To comply with Russian Law about foreigners, demands of Federal Migration Service and medical insurance rules.
2.4.6. not to set up any contacts with representatives of terrorist organizations prohibited in the Russian Federation.
2.4.7. To arrive to the University not less than 30 days before expiry of Visa/Invitation.


3.1 The full price of the of EEUA services includes: Tuition fee for one academic year, Accommodation fee for one academic yearand EEUA enrolment and support services described in the article 2.2.Registration fee, Admission fee and Airport pick-up fee areparts of EEUA service butto paid only once (onetime fee).
3.2. The full price of EEUA services:
· Tuition fee deposit: 400 (four hundred ninety) US Dollars. Onetime fee. It is not refundable if sutdent decide to cancel admission;
· Admission fee: 400 (four hundred) US Dollars. Onetime fee. It is separate from Tuition and other fees;
· Airport pick-up and transfer to university: 100 US Dollars. Onetime fee. It is separate from Tuition and other fees
· Main course: according to information on
· Nostrification fee (including translations): 300 (three hundred) US Dollars. One time procedure.
3.3. The Student shall pay the EEUA services (in amount specified in article 3.2) by the 100 % advance paymentto EEUA account byfollowing schedule:
· Tuition fee deposit: to be paid after EEUA Admission letter is issued. Can be paid via EEUA agency in your country;
· Admission fee: to be paid after visa issued. Can be paid via EEUA agency in your country;
· Main course and Airport pickup fee: to be paid to EEUA account in 5 day before departure to Russia;
· Main course 2nd year: to be paid to EEUA account before August 1st 2025;
· Main course 3rd year: to be paid to EEUA account before August 1st 2026;
· Main course 4th year: to be paid to EEUA account before August 1st 2027.
3.4. By special decision of EEUA the Student may be allowed to do annual payment (EEUA service) in two parts.
3.5. From 2nd year EEUA may decrease EEUA service fee if exchange rate RUB/USD will be more than 100RUB per 1USD.
3.6. From 2nd year EEUA can increase EEUA service fee if exchange rate RUB/USD will be less than 80RUB per 1USD.
3.7. From 2nd year EEUA has right to increase EEUA service fee by 3-10% only if University will increase Tuition fee.
3.8. If the student fails to pay to EEUA the EEUA service fee in a timely manner, the EEUA service fees will be increased by 3 % every month (30 days).
3.9. Health Insurance fee (about USD120 per year) student has to pay to Insurance company on arrival to university.


a. The conditions of the Agreement may be changed only by mutual agreement of the Parties in compliance with the current Legislation of the Russian Federation.
b. If student decide to cancel Agreement and come back home after arrival to the University or not to come to University after getting invitation for visa, then EEUA services (Article 3.2) are non-refundable.
c. If Student decide to cancel Agreement and continue education at University or transfer to other university, then he has to pay to EEUA penalty fee in amount of half annual price of EEUA Service fee for Main course but not less than USD2000 (two thousand).


5.1. This Agreement shall come into force from the moment of singing by both Parties and is valid till graduation of the Student.
5.2. If student decide to change course or to change University student has to do it via EEUA by signing a new Agreement.
5.2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract are to be solved in the Court according to the Russian Legislation.
5.3. The information referred to in this Agreement comply with the information posted on the official website of the University in "Internet" on the date of this Agreement.


Eastern European University Association
INN 5024190864. OGRN 1185053042790.
563 Avangardnaya8 st., Krasnogorsk,
Moscow region, Russia

General Director Bogdan Voronovskiy

Telephone: +7 917 570 61 55 Email:

ООО "Ассоциация восточно-европейских университетов"
Юридический адрес: 143401, Московская область, город Красногорск, ул. Авангардная 3, 219
ИНН: 5024190864 КПП: 502401001 ОГРН: 1185053042790
Расчетный счет: 40702810702720003994
Банк: АО "АЛЬФА-БАНК" БИК: 044525593 К/с: 30101810200000000593
Генеральный директор Богдан Игоревич Вороновский


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