terms and conditions
Regulations for Using study.EEUA.RU
Welcome to study.EEUA.RU (hereinafter - Site), an Internet resource that allows you to have information about Higher Education in at Russian and Belarus Universities and get admitted there.
Site Administration offers services (services) from the Site on assumptions that are subject to these Terms of use EEUA.RU. In this regard, you should carefully review the terms of these Rules, which are considered by the Administration Website as a public offer in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Your subsequent use of the Site after any such amendments implies your consent to such amendments and/or additions. If you do not agree to observe these Regulations, then do not use the Site; and, if you are a registered user, then delete your account and/or leave the Site. It is your obligation to regularly view this page to review the valid edition of the Regulations.

1. Terms and Conditions for the use of study.EEUA.RU
1.1 These Terms of use of EEUA.RU (previously and hereinafter) are designed by the site administrator and determine the conditions of use and development of the Site, as well as the rights and duties of its members and administration. The rules also apply to relations connected with the rights and interests of third-parties who are not users of the Site, but whose rights and interests may be affected by the actions of users of the Site.
1.2 These Terms are a legally binding agreement between the User and Administration of the Site, the subject of which is to permit site administrators to provide services to users of the Site (hereinafter - services). In addition to these Regulations, the agreement between the user and site administration are all special documents governing the provision of certain services of the Site and content in the relevant sections of the site on the Internet.
1.3. Users must be completely familiar with these rules prior to the moment of registration on the Site. By accessing the Website implies full and unconditional acceptance by User of these Regulations in accordance with Art. 438 Civil Code of Russia.
1.4. These Rules may be amended and / or supplemented by site administration unilaterally without any prior notification. These Regulations are open and public documents. The current edition of the Rules is available on the Internet at: agreement page. Site Administration recommends that users regularly check the conditions of these Regulations, which are subject to change and / or additions. Continued use of the Site by Users after such changes and / or additions to these Rules means the adoption or consent to such changes and / or additions.
2. Prohibited Use of the Site

1. The Site is available exclusively for your personal, non-commercial use. By using the Site, you confirm that you fully recognize that the materials which you upload to the Site or with the Site may potentially violate the property and/or personal non-material rights of third parties protected by law, including, without limitation, the exclusive rights to intellectual property and/or may contain information which it is not permitted to disseminate by the laws of the Russian Federation.
2. All rights to the Site as a whole and to use the network address (domain name) belong to the Administration Site. The latter provides access to the site to all interested persons in accordance with these Regulations and the laws of The Russian Federation.
2.3. This Regulation established the conditions under which the right to use information and results of intellectual activities (including but not limited to literary, musical, audiovisual works and phonograms, and graphic design, photographic works, computer programs), composed of individual sections of the Site, may belong to site users and other persons to independently create and / or posting the objects on the Site without the direct participation of the Administration Site.

3. Site Administration study.EEUA.RU
3.1. Eastern European University Association is owner of EEUA.RU
“DriveTime” is executive contractor for managing Site. Under the administration The Site EEUA.RU (previous and latter - Site Administration, Administration)under current Regulations and other special documents placed on the Site, is a “Drivetime”, a legal person established under the laws od the Russian Federation and registered at the address.
3.2. With regard to the functioning and development of the Site, the Administration is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation ,the present Rules and other special documents which are developed or can be developed and accepted by the Administration of the Site in order to regulate the provision of individual services to users of the Site.
3.3. Nothing in this Regulation provides the user the right to use the trade name, trademark, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Administration Site. The right to use the trade name, trademark, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Administration of the Site may be granted only upon written agreement with the Administration of the Site.

4. Registeration on "EEUA.RU" Site and User status.
4.1. Registration of the User on the Site is free and voluntary.
4.2 The user of the Site is a physical person, registered to the Site in accordance with all these set up Regulations thoroughly,has reached the appropriate age admissible according to the legislation of The Russian Federation for the acceptance of these Regulations, and possessing the appropriate authority (earlier and later – the User).
4.3 While registering on the Site the User is obliged to provide the Site Administration required accurate and current information, including your own unique User ID (email address) and password to access the Site or provide access to existing user accounts in social networks like Facebook or VK for user authentication.
4.4 Site administration does not store the access data to third party accounts users. Identification of users through third-party services is carried out on the basis of available services and Administration is not responsible for any problems associated with these methods of authentication.
4.5. The user has the right to register no more than one personal page on the Site.
4.6. Upon Registeration, the User agrees with the present Regulations and assumes the rights therein and responsibilities associated with the use and operation of the Site.
4.7. After successful registration of the User on the Site, the Administration takes up the rights and duties before the User, specified in the present Regulations.
4.8. Accepting the present Rules by registration on the Site, the User confirms the consent to processing by Administration of its personal data given at registration, and also placed by the User voluntarily on the personal page, thereafter. Processing of the personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site administration processes the personal data of the User with the aim of granting services to the User; research and analysis of such data to maintain and improve services and Site sections. And also to develop new services and Site sections. The Site administration takes all necessary measures for protection of the personal data of the User against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. The administration gives access to the personal data of the User only to those workers, contractors and agents of Administration to whom this information is necessary for maintenance of functioning of the Site and the provision of Services for the User. Site Administration may use the provided user information, including personal data in order to ensure compliance with the laws of the Federation (including the prevention and / or suppression of illegal and / or illegal actions of users). Disclosure of User information can be made only in accordance with the laws of the Federation at the request of the court, law enforcement, as well as in other cases specified by Russian Federation legislation cases.
4.9. Selected User login and password are necessary and sufficient information for access to the site. The user has no right to give the login and the password to the third parties, and bears full responsibility for its safety, and self-selected method of storage. Users on their hardware and software may allow the storage of logins and passwords(through the use of cookies) for the subsequent automatic authorisation on the Site.
4.10. If the User does not prove otherwise, any act committed with the use of its login and password, is deemed to be that of the corresponding User. In the case of unauthorized access to the login and password and / or a personal User page, or distribution of a login and the password, the User is obliged to inform Site Administration immediately of it in the established order.
4.11. After registration the User acquires the right, independently in personal non-commercial objectives to create, use and define the maintenance of own Personal page and conditions of access to contents of other Users, and also has an opportunity to access and place information on Personal pages of other Users(subject to obtaining appropriate permissions from their holders).
4.12. The user as the owner of the information placed on own personal page, is aware that except for the cases established by the present Regulations and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Site Administration does not take part in formation and use of content and the control of Users access of other users to the personal page of the User.

5. User Responsibilities for the use of study.EEUA.RU
5.1 Under the Conditions of Use for the site the user must:
adhere to the regulations of the functioning legislation of Russian Federation, the current rules and any other specially documented notifications by the Site Administration;
to provide during registration correct, complete and actual information;
inform the Site Administration of any unauthorized access to your personal profile and/or any unauthorized access in general and/or any instances whereby another user`s password and login details have been used;
not allow another user to access their personal profile or to any specific content contained within it as this may result in a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the current rules or any other specially documented notification by the Site Administration;
not distribute on any personal profile information or objects (including links to them) which may violate the rights and interests of another person;
evaluate whether any information or object (including, but not exclusively concerning, images of any other person, unknown universal messages from other users, audio-clips and videos) would be legally legitimate to distribute prior to distributing such items;
not publically distribute the personal details (including, but not exclusively concerning, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ICQ, passport or bank details) or information concerning the private life of any other user or third party without first receiving the appropriate consent from those concerned. Such information must also not be made available to any other user or third party on the basis of an agreement with such users;
create a spare copy of any important information saved on their personal profile.
5.2. In the event that the user has doubts concerning the legal legitimacy of executing one action or another, including the distribution of information or the authorisation of access, the Site Administration would recommend the user to refrain from the execution of such action.
5.3 In using the site, the user must not:
5.3.1. mislead other users with regard to their identity, while logged in to the site through the username and password of another registered user;
5.3.3 illegally load, save, publish, distribute, allow access to or use in any other way the intellectual property of any another user or third party;
5.3.4. distribute messages on a mass scale without the agreement of the site users;
5.3.5. make use of the programme security or carry out actions aimed at violating the normal functions and services of the site or the personal profiles of other users;
5.3.6. load, save, publish, distribute, allow access to or in any other way use viruses, Trojans or other harmful programmes;
5.3.7. use automated scripts (i.e. programs) to collect information on the site and/or interfere with the functioning of the site and its services without first receiving special permission from the site administration;
5.3.8. try to gain access to the login and password details of another user by any means, including, but not exclusively concerning, fraud, a misuse of trust or hacking;
5.3.9. illegally collect and misuse the personal details of other people;
5.3.10. attempt to gain access to any kind of services by any means other than the interface granted by the Site Administration. Exceptions are made for cases whereby such actions are permitted in accordance with an independent agreement between the user and the Administration;
5.3.11. reproduce, duplicate, copy or sell services for any purpose excluding cases whereby such actions are permitted in accordance with an independent agreement between the user and the Administration;
5.3.12. distribute commercial or political advertisements outwith the specially designed sections of the Site created by the Site Administration for such purposes. Services on the site, as paid for by the user, may be acquired as long as the process is carried out in accordance to the Administration’s special documentation, which is distributed on the site.
5.3.13. distribute any other information which, in the opinion of the Administration, is undesirable, does not correspond with the aims of the Site, violates the interests of other users or which for any other reason is undesirable for distribution on the site.
5.4. The user bears a personal responsibility for any information which they have distributed on the site or sent to other users, as well as for any kind of interaction they have had with other users. These actions are thus carried out at their own risk.
5.5. If the user should disagree with the current rules or a renewed version of the current rules, the user must discontinue using the site, having first informed the Site Administration of this disagreement in the appropriate manner.

6. study.EEUA.RU Terms of Service
6.1. If there is no specific comments Administration reserves the right to propose oprions up to situation.
6.2. The result of providing the service are:
  • Organization of International Univeristies Networking Conferences www.iunc.net
  • Organization of seminars
  • Netwroking platform for universities net.eeua.ru
  • Consultancy for universities
  • Consultancy for agencies and students

7. The Implementation of study.EEUA.RU and the User Responsibilities
1. In accordance with the functioning legislation of the Russian Federation, users are responsible for their actions with regard to the creation of their own personal profile page and the distribution of information on their profile as well as the distribution of information on the personal profiles of other users and in other sections of the site.
2. The Site Administration provides users with the opportunity to use the site, but does not partake in the maintenance of any user’s personal profile and does not account or bear responsibility for the activity or inactivity of any person with regard to the use of the site and the creation and maintenance of their personal profile on the site.
3. The Site’s information system and programme security contains no system to automatically carry out censorship and control of user actions and of the flow of information between users in their use of the site.
4. At any time, with or without prior notification, the administration reserves the right to change the design of the site, the way in which the site is maintained and the list of services content. At any time, with or without prior notification, the administration also reserves the right to change and supplement the user script, the programme security (and other objects which are used or contained in the site) and any service application.
5. The Site Administration does not modify or censor information and does in fact take action in order to defend the rights and interests of any person and to guarantee that the demands set in place by the legislation of the Russian Federation are observed, providing that an appeal from the concerned person to the site administrators is made in accordance with the established procedure.

8. Final Provisions
1. These Regulations are an agreement between you and the Administrators regarding the method for using the Site and its services and replaces all preceeding agreements between you and the Administrators;
2. This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. Should any dispute or disagreement arise with regard to the way in which these Regulations have been carried out, the user and administrators should apply full effort in resolving the dispute through negotiations. Should the dispute fail to be resolved through negotiations, it will be resolved in a way as determined by the functioning legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. These Regulations are effective from the moment the user agrees to them and are valid indefinitely.
5. These Regulations are produced in the Russian language but they may be translated should the user wish to examine them in any other language. In the event that there are any discrepancies between the two language versions, the Russian shall prevail.
6. If for any reason one of more of the regulations hereof is acknowledged to be invalid or not legally binding, then this shall not affect the validity or applicability for any of the remaining regulations.

Eastern European Universities Association
INN 5024190864 (TAX number).

Telephone: +7 917 570 61 55 Email: info@eeua.ru

Office Address: 219, 3 Avangardnaya street, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia.

ООО "Ассоциация восточно-европейских университетов"
Юридический адрес: 143401, Московская область, город Красногорск, ул. Авангардная 3, 219
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Банк: АО "АЛЬФА-БАНК" БИК: 044525593 К/с: 30101810200000000593
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e-mail us: russia@eeua.ru